Providing clean drinking water to the people of the Amazon Jungle.
What is Project Clean Water?
In the summer of 2023 we were fortunate enough to be apart of a medical missions trip to the village of Kumai, located in the Amazon Rain Forest of Ecuador. During this missions trip, we came to see firsthand the widespread health issues among the people there due to the lack of clean drinking water.
Kumai, and the surrounding villages, are approximately 3 hours from anything that would be remotely considered "civilization." With no source of clean water, most of them get their drinking water from rivers, streams and other natural bodies of water that are prone to bacteria and other contaminates that lead to parasites and other health issues.
In February of 2024, a team of 5 of us (in conjunction with a larger missions group from Calvary's Love church) returned to this area of the Amazon Rain Forest and installed a water collection system in Kumai and 5 of the surrounding villages. These water collection systems funnel clean rainwater into a large 2500 liter enclosed collection tank with a valve on it. These collection systems catch rain water before it comes into contact with the ground, where it becomes contaminated by bacteria. They are installed on public access buildings, like churches or schools, and are available for use by all members of the village. The best part is, with 360 inches of rainfall a year in the Amazon Rain Forest, it is a self sustaining resource for the people of these villages! Although one system per village was impactful and they were beyond grateful, it's just a drop in the bucket! (Pun intended)
In August of this year, a group of nine returned to install 57 more water systems throughout these 6 villages, over the course of 9 days. With the help of local businesses, donors, families and community engagement we were able to raise enough funds to make this possible and help bring clean drinking water to the Amazon jungle.
We are excited to return to Ecuador and bring more opportunities to these villages so that they continue to have sustainable clean drinking water.
How can you support Project Clean Water?
Share the mission
Spread the word and share our mission with others! This helps us create more awareness and allow people and local businesses to partner alongside our goals.
Help us raise funds for our next trip! Stay informed with our next campaign and see how you can participate.
Become a sponsor
$500 for a small water system
$1000 for a large water system
Thank you to all of our sponsors